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Roger Singer - Forgey's nephew; multiple myeloma
Vincent & Sage Bartoli, Carrie Jackson- military
Curt - Carrie Wright's dad; health
Nikki Little - friend of Tina Stewart; brain cancer
Judy Fieldhouse - aunt of Tammi Stephens; breast cancer
Christopher Deer - friend of the Vega family; stage 4 lung cancer
George Pennypacker - friend of the Winters family; mesothelioma
Rick & Miki Weaver - Rick's parents health struggles; Miki has upcoming hip surgery
Russell Tidwell - brother-in-law of Jo Myers; end-stage cancer; on hospice
​Dot Tuell - friend of Kim Bianco; recovering from stroke
Beth - Mark Dale's sister; brain tumor
Jo Ann Baird - hospitalized with flu
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